Thursday, 22 June 2017


Hi everyone

How are you all?

I've been a busy beaver lately.  Working and knitting away.

I managed to actually get something finished that wasn't a pair of socks or a small item, but a cardigan.

It's not perfect but I do love it.  To be honest is anyone's hand knit garments perfect?  Isn't that the thing that makes them one of a kind, and of course the thing that shows everyone that they were lovingly made with someones fair hands over many hours.

Once again I found the pattern in a knitting magazine I was reading.  I had a ball of wool I thought would look lovely.  It was only one ball that I remember getting with a token that hubby had given me for Christmas.  I went online and managed to order some more so I had the right amount for my size.  Isn't it a beautiful colour?

I didn't do what everyone always knows they should do, which is knit a gauge swatch.  Silly me.  Because if I had I would of known that the yarn wasn't the right gauge.  Never mind.  When I went to block the cardigan it was showing up a bit big for the measurements in the pattern.  I could see though that they weren't that far out that it would be a problem.

When I went to knit the sleeves I actually knitted the smaller size.  I knitted the smaller size until the sleeve was half the length then carried on with the size I was knitting the main body in.  Hope this makes sense.  It ended up working really nicely.  I find when I knit the sleeve for the size of cardigan that fits my body, the cuff of the sleeve is too big for me.  This was the first time I'd done this, and I will definitely be using this method again.

Picking up stitches around the button band edge is always the part I am least fond off.  I ended up having to re do it 3 times.  In the end it turned out satisfactory.  I can't understand this but I ended up with four button holds even when following the pattern.  The picture in the magazine shows that the cardigan has six buttons.  I wasn't that bothered about this just a bit miffed.

Here are a couple of photos of me blocking the cardigan.  I blocked it before I finished sewing it up.

I don't know if this is the method that you use to block your knitted items, but it's always worked a treat for me.

I put a dry towel down on my spare bed.  I then pin all the items of knitting securely on the towel in the measurement from the pattern.  Lastly I get another big towel and wet it (remember to ring it out.  You don't want it drenched).  The damp towel is then laid on top of the knitting (gently I may add).  This is all left until the towel has dried out.

I really enjoyed knitting this.  Unfortunately I don't know how much wear I will get out of it until the winter.  It hasn't been to sunny lately but it has still been very warm.  Me and the hubby are away to Rathlin Island again for a few days next week. So I may bring it with me and I can wear it in the evening when it gets a bit colder.

I'm now back to knitting a pair of socks.  Not for myself but for my wee Niece.  Always nice to do a small project after you've just finished a big one.

What have you been up too lately?  Do you have any finished items?  I'd love to hear about them. Leave me a comment.

Cheerio till next time.

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